Wander with Wanny Sadio Nor Theatre

Sadio Nor Theatre

Be entertained and learn about the local culture here in the High North.

About us

We convey local knowledge of people, society, and history. Our actors have great joy bringing it to life in our performances and theatre walks. This is how we tell stories about the city the way it was and has become. In our theatre walks the actual and fictional nourishes each other’s stories, what may seem distant and far away, becomes near and personal.

“The actors are professional and creative, and bring excitement, energy and joy to their performance. Our international group really enjoyed it!” 

- Silje K Vemoy, Event Manager, JCP Event.

If you are a group or gathering coming to Tromsø, feel free to contact us about our performances! If you wish for a cultural activity, we play the following on request.


Sadio Nor Theatre
Phone: +47 480 49 924
E-mail: [email protected]
Web: https://www.sadionor.com/

Find your adventure here

A Polar Pioneer´s Tale

A Polar Pioneer´s Tale

For adults and children Polar Pioneer´s Tale – Theatre walk about a local hero 1895-1959

Gitta's ways

Gitta's ways

For adults Gitta’s ways - Theatre Walk about Gitta Jønsson, 1869-1950.

Polar Profiles

Polar Profiles

For adults and children «Walk with us, history is now.»

Terje Vigen – Experience Tromsø town on metrical feet

Terje Vigen – Experience Tromsø town on metrical feet

For adults Terje Vigen – Experience Tromsø town on metrical feet